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Understanding how eBay Automatic Bidding works

Our auction sniper takes advantage of eBay's automatic bidding.  All bids, manual or from snipe services, use this eBay feature. eBay's Automatic Bidding makes sure you always win an auction by only one bid increment.  When we place your bid, we place your Max Bid in the final seconds. eBay will then bid in increments on your behalf to keep you in the lead, but only up to your Max Bid.

If you have placed a manual bid, our service will update your previous bid with your Max Bid amount. We will never cause you to bid against yourself.

IMPORTANT: Your Max Bid will need to be greater than the current bid + the bid increase. This is also known as the Minimum Bid.

eBay's Explanation of Automatic Bidding

Bidding 101 Articles